Saturday, September 29, 2007

Microsoft OFONE......

Sorry Guys medyo matagal bago ako na ka post ng BAGO hehehehe pero sure naman ako matutuwa kayo dito.

Spoofing the Apple iPhone.

Microsoft's crazy design for a new mobile phone, one that is sure to knock Apple's iPhone out of the water.

Monday, September 17, 2007

To all PHOTOSHOP fanatics.....

This is some very cool image resizing technology. Adobe, the publisher of Photoshop has hired one of the guys that worked on this project. Watch the video, it just keeps getting more impressive!!!


Saturday, September 8, 2007


Hello my Friends It's been a week since I last Posted Something here by the way I would like to thank you all for the visit that you have done to this BLOGSITE thank you very much.

Today this post is the one I got From an Email and its not verified to be true but WHY DON'T you Try it. NOTHING TO LOSE!!!

Would like to know if your mobile phone is origin
al or not?!!
Press the following on your mobile *#06# and the-international mobile equipment identity number (IMEI) appears IMEI is a number unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone. It is usually found printed on the phone underneath the battery and can also be found by dialing the sequence *#06# into the phone according to WIKIPEDIA.

check the 7th and 8th numbers

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was assembled in the Emirates which is very Bad quality

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
08 or 80 that means it was manufactured in Germany which is not bad

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
01 or 10 that mean it's manufactured in Finland which is Good

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
00 that means it was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality ..

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
13 that means it was assembled in Azerbaijan which is very poor quality and potentially very dangerous to your health!!!

NOTE: this data is not truly verified so I leave to you the Jurisdiction to decide if this is true or not.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

WINDOWS VISTA SP1 official announcement

After months of leaks and speculation, Microsoft is finally ready to talk about Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1). Nick White, a product manager for Microsoft, posted on the Windows Vista Team Blog that Vista SP1 will be released during the first quarter of 2008.

"We improve the Windows Vista experience by continuing to work closely with software partners to ensure application compatibility," said White. "We likewise align efforts with partners on the hardware side of the business to broaden the range of devices that work with Windows Vista and to constantly improve device driver quality."

"We didn’t design SP1 as a vehicle for releasing new features; however, some existing components do gain enhanced functionality in SP1," White added.

In keeping with its full attention on Vista SP1, Microsoft has posted a white paper on the SP1 beta. The white paper details the improvement that Microsoft has made in application compatibility and driver support as well as improvements to security and reliability.

The white paper also notes that there will be three ways of delivering Vista SP1: Express, Stand-alone and Slipstream. The Express install will require a 50MB download from the Internet. System-specific updates will then be downloaded from Microsoft’s servers.

The Stand-alone package will be roughly 1GB in size for x86 systems. Customers, however, will be able to deploy SP1 to any Vista installation with the Stand-alone package and it will be compatible with the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 software.

Finally, Slipstream versions of Windows Vista with SP1 included will be made available to Volume Licensing Customers (and later in retail packaging). Microsoft does note, however, that "customers cannot apply SP1 to offline Windows Vista images." This could mean that customers will not able to make their own personal Slipstream copy of Windows Vista SP1 from an existing Windows Vista disc.

Installation of Windows Vista SP1 regardless of which method chosen will require a minimum of a whooping 7GB free disk space on x86 machines and 12GB free disk space on x64 machines. Microsoft does state that "most of this space will be reclaimed after installation."

As previously stated, Microsoft is targeting a Quarter 1 2008 release time frame. That could change depending on a variety of factors according to Microsoft. "We’re first and foremost focused on delivering a high-quality release, so we'll determine the exact release date of SP1 after we have reached that quality bar," according to Mr White.

Now heres the deal to this SP1 is in much needed because of the so many glitches and leaks in the launch of the VISTA but as we all know even in the time of Windows XP this is just a market strategy of Microsoft this is how Bill Gates thinks and now look at him He's Just the Richest man in the world. The Strategy is simple release the Software even if its not fully functional and independently reliable (MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT) then release the Service Packs which again another money for the Upgrades. so do you see why so many people thinks that bill gates is monopolizing the industry?

What can PCHAN say...

well Pchan can only say this If you are a person who will be satisfied on the smoothness of the Aero Environment (Aero = the new technology of Microsoft which makes the environment smoother) and the whole new environment without considering the compatibility and the specs (and HATE Apple Macintosh) THEN WINDOWS VISTA is RIGHT FOR YOU. But if you are more concern with the functionality and the performance, the compatibilities and the reliabilities (And Still HATE Apple Mac) then you keep yourself away from VISTA, You try LINUX which is a free OS. And if you don't care about the price and wanted a nice OS with all the functionality and performance then APPLE MAC is the one that's RIGHT FOR YOU.

well I hope that this helps on you...

Friday, August 31, 2007

Blackle, The Google's Black Version

The new Black version of google is said to be saving 750,000 watts a year, as we all know that all white web page uses 74 watts to display, while an all black page uses only 59 watts. and if we do a little math and see what could be saved by moving a high volume site to the black format.

Take at look at Google, who gets about 200 million queries a day. Let's assume each query is displayed for about 10 seconds; that means Google is running for about 550,000 hours every day on some desktop. Assuming that users run Google in full screen mode, the shift to a black background [on a CRT monitor] will save a total of 15 (74-59) watts. That turns into a global savings of 8.3 Megawatt-hours per day, or about 3000 Megawatt-hours a year per person.

As a Means of solution to the world problem of Global Warming...

this black version of google maybe one solution to help our environment from losing its earth surface due to the extensive heat by saving energy even through this simple thing we can make a big difference.

How is Blackle saving energy?

Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.

Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." Roberson et al, 2002

In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. Since then there has been skepticism about the significance of the energy savings that can be achieved and the cost in terms of readability of black web pages.

We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy.

How can you help?
We encourage you to set Blackle as your home page. This way every time you load your Internet browser you will save a little bit of energy. Remember every bit counts! You will also be reminded about the need to save energy each time you see the Blackle page load.

Help us spread the word about Blackle by telling your friends and family to set it as their home page. If you have a blog then give us a mention. Or put the following text in your email signature: " - Saving energy one search at a time".

Have a look at our energy saving tips page for ideas on steps you can take to save energy.

There are a lot of great web sites about saving energy and being more environmentally friendly. They are full of great tips covering the little things that we can all do to make a difference today. Try Blackling "energy saving tips" or visit a great blog dedicated to environmental awareness.

Techno Stuff

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It has been two months since Apple Computers launch in US their Very First Cellular Phone Model and I'm pretty sure that almost everyone is craving to having this little but most feature gadget in our daily living, It's the iPhone (Kahit sa Pinas Madaming tao ang gusto nito but badly 2008 pa sya magiging available here in ASIA) But do you Know that This piece of gadget is only available to AT&T one of the largest telecommunication company in the US (Like GLOBE and SMART) AT&T got the exclusive chance of holding the iPhone (in short Hindi Open Line). But since people are so resourceful (sa tagalog Maparaan) a team named has successfully crack Apple's Iphone LOCK SYSTEM (inopen line na nila) and they did this by just installing the software that they build in order to unlock the iPhone without even scratching or even damaging a single piece of the iPhone and they have done this within just almost 2 months, Unbelievable but its true now the their iPhone is now open to the T-Mobile another Telecommunication company in the US.

Restore / upgrade resistance
  • The guys claim this method is restore and upgrade resistant. We have no way of knowing whether Apple will be able to disable this SIM unlock with future iPhone software updates, but we can confirm that it is restore-resistant.
  • We performed a full restore (v1.0.2) on our iPhone and successfully activated it using an inactive AT&T SIM.
  • After fake-activating our iPhone, you merely pop out the AT&T SIM, put in the foreign SIM of your choosing, reactivate, and you're done. "Boom," as Steve might say.
  • Restoring from an iPhone backup in iTunes worked perfectly despite the lock and foreign SIM. The only thing to notice was the phone number is now listed as "n/a" in iTunes. Big whoop.
  • No, seriously. You can't have our unlocked iPhone.

To Prove this I have attach a video clips of the real Unlocked Iphone.

Click here to download

when the time comes that this will be available in the ASIA I am pretty sure that it will also be open line by our great cellphone technicians as we all know Pilipinos always do something new in order to raise money.

How to make Money Online...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Quad-Core Riot: Intel Core 2 Quadro Chips Hit the Streets

New power, new speed. Quad-core from Intel.

Leaders of the pack seeking monster performance, look no further. With four execution cores, the Intel® Core™2 Quad processor blows through processor-intensive tasks in demanding multitasking environments and makes the most of highly threaded applications. Whether you're creating multimedia, annihilating your gaming enemies, or running compute-intensive applications at one time, new quad-core processing will change the way you do everything. Pioneer the new world of quad-core and unleash the power of multithreading.

The Power of Quad Core in your desktop PC.

Matsushita Paying For Nokia Battery Recall

Nokia and Matsushita have agreed on how to handle the cost of recalling 46 million cell phone batteries: Matsushita is paying up to $172 to pay for it all.

Earlier this month, Nokia announced a recall encompassing more than 46 million cell phone batteries. It's a testament to the size of Nokia's business—they are the world's largest handset manufacturer, after all—that those 46 million batteries constituted only about 15 percent of batteries the company shipped under the BL-5C label. But what was recalling 46 million batteries worldwide going to cost the company?

Today, Nokia has an answer: nothing. According to Nokia, all direct costs of the battery recall will be born by the batteries' manufacturer, Matsushita Battery, including expenses for replacement batteries, call center costs, and the logistical expenses of the recall. Although Nokia doesn't provide a cost estimate in its statement, Matsushita has said separately that it expects costs of the recall to land between 10 and 20 billion yen (between $86 and $172 million). Matsushita's estimate is lower than many analysts had expected—some estimates put the cost of the battery replacement program over 100 billion yen (over $800 million) which would significantly impact Matsushita's fiscal outlook. The company says it has no plans to alter its earnings forecasts as a result of the recall.

In comparison, the 2006 recall of Sony-manufactured batteries for notebook computers encompassed only about 10 million units but cost the Japanese company over $400 million.

Nokia owners who want to check to see if their mobile phone battery is included in the recall can get all the details from Nokia's recall Web site.

by:Geoff Duncan

3wPlayer Malware Infected Torrent's

Recently Torrent sites are getting spammed by malicious torrent uploads disguised as new movie releases, torrent users are reporting that they have downloaded various videos mostly claiming to be new movie releases or TV shows only to be confronted with a short video which advises them to download a new media player called
3wPlayer to view the rest of file. The few second clip show the Url to download this malware media player 3wPlayer. The player installs a form of CIDHELP malware which is very hard to get rid of, The only solution to this problem is to make the user aware of this kind of tactic and reporting any such torrent to the torrent website for removal.

YAHOO MAIL short cuts

Shift+r - reply in a new window
a - reply all

Shift+a - reply all in a new window

f - forward message

Shift+f - forward in a new window
k - mark as read
Shift+k - mark as unread
l - flag
Shift+l - clear flag

m - check mail
Shift+m - check all mail

Ctrl+\ - close current tab
n - new message
Shift+n - new message in its own window

r - reply

del - delete item
p/Ctrl+p - print
Ctrl+s - save draft
Ctrl+Enter - send message
v - turn reading pane on/off
Ctrl+[ - navigate through tabs

Ctrl+] - navigate through tabs
Enter - open message in its own tab (when message is selected)

Enter - edit contact info (when contact is selected)
Ctrl+f - find a word or phrase in message
F11 - expand window to max height

Ctrl+. - next message (in message tab)
Ctrl+, - previous message (in message tab)
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+up arrow/down arrow - next/previous message

Ctrl+Shift+End - skip to oldest unread message
d - move message to folder

Esc - close read - message tab

Ctrl+Shift+End - start a new chat

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Techno Stuff

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