Saturday, September 29, 2007

Microsoft OFONE......

Sorry Guys medyo matagal bago ako na ka post ng BAGO hehehehe pero sure naman ako matutuwa kayo dito.

Spoofing the Apple iPhone.

Microsoft's crazy design for a new mobile phone, one that is sure to knock Apple's iPhone out of the water.

Monday, September 17, 2007

To all PHOTOSHOP fanatics.....

This is some very cool image resizing technology. Adobe, the publisher of Photoshop has hired one of the guys that worked on this project. Watch the video, it just keeps getting more impressive!!!


Saturday, September 8, 2007


Hello my Friends It's been a week since I last Posted Something here by the way I would like to thank you all for the visit that you have done to this BLOGSITE thank you very much.

Today this post is the one I got From an Email and its not verified to be true but WHY DON'T you Try it. NOTHING TO LOSE!!!

Would like to know if your mobile phone is origin
al or not?!!
Press the following on your mobile *#06# and the-international mobile equipment identity number (IMEI) appears IMEI is a number unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone. It is usually found printed on the phone underneath the battery and can also be found by dialing the sequence *#06# into the phone according to WIKIPEDIA.

check the 7th and 8th numbers

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was assembled in the Emirates which is very Bad quality

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
08 or 80 that means it was manufactured in Germany which is not bad

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
01 or 10 that mean it's manufactured in Finland which is Good

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
00 that means it was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality ..

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is
13 that means it was assembled in Azerbaijan which is very poor quality and potentially very dangerous to your health!!!

NOTE: this data is not truly verified so I leave to you the Jurisdiction to decide if this is true or not.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

WINDOWS VISTA SP1 official announcement

After months of leaks and speculation, Microsoft is finally ready to talk about Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1). Nick White, a product manager for Microsoft, posted on the Windows Vista Team Blog that Vista SP1 will be released during the first quarter of 2008.

"We improve the Windows Vista experience by continuing to work closely with software partners to ensure application compatibility," said White. "We likewise align efforts with partners on the hardware side of the business to broaden the range of devices that work with Windows Vista and to constantly improve device driver quality."

"We didn’t design SP1 as a vehicle for releasing new features; however, some existing components do gain enhanced functionality in SP1," White added.

In keeping with its full attention on Vista SP1, Microsoft has posted a white paper on the SP1 beta. The white paper details the improvement that Microsoft has made in application compatibility and driver support as well as improvements to security and reliability.

The white paper also notes that there will be three ways of delivering Vista SP1: Express, Stand-alone and Slipstream. The Express install will require a 50MB download from the Internet. System-specific updates will then be downloaded from Microsoft’s servers.

The Stand-alone package will be roughly 1GB in size for x86 systems. Customers, however, will be able to deploy SP1 to any Vista installation with the Stand-alone package and it will be compatible with the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 software.

Finally, Slipstream versions of Windows Vista with SP1 included will be made available to Volume Licensing Customers (and later in retail packaging). Microsoft does note, however, that "customers cannot apply SP1 to offline Windows Vista images." This could mean that customers will not able to make their own personal Slipstream copy of Windows Vista SP1 from an existing Windows Vista disc.

Installation of Windows Vista SP1 regardless of which method chosen will require a minimum of a whooping 7GB free disk space on x86 machines and 12GB free disk space on x64 machines. Microsoft does state that "most of this space will be reclaimed after installation."

As previously stated, Microsoft is targeting a Quarter 1 2008 release time frame. That could change depending on a variety of factors according to Microsoft. "We’re first and foremost focused on delivering a high-quality release, so we'll determine the exact release date of SP1 after we have reached that quality bar," according to Mr White.

Now heres the deal to this SP1 is in much needed because of the so many glitches and leaks in the launch of the VISTA but as we all know even in the time of Windows XP this is just a market strategy of Microsoft this is how Bill Gates thinks and now look at him He's Just the Richest man in the world. The Strategy is simple release the Software even if its not fully functional and independently reliable (MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT) then release the Service Packs which again another money for the Upgrades. so do you see why so many people thinks that bill gates is monopolizing the industry?

What can PCHAN say...

well Pchan can only say this If you are a person who will be satisfied on the smoothness of the Aero Environment (Aero = the new technology of Microsoft which makes the environment smoother) and the whole new environment without considering the compatibility and the specs (and HATE Apple Macintosh) THEN WINDOWS VISTA is RIGHT FOR YOU. But if you are more concern with the functionality and the performance, the compatibilities and the reliabilities (And Still HATE Apple Mac) then you keep yourself away from VISTA, You try LINUX which is a free OS. And if you don't care about the price and wanted a nice OS with all the functionality and performance then APPLE MAC is the one that's RIGHT FOR YOU.

well I hope that this helps on you...

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